Who reads the Bugle?

The Barnes Village Bugle has over 5,000 subscribers and an average open rate of just over 75%, so every issue reaches around 3,750 people in Barnes and the surrounding areas. Our subscriber base is growing every month.
Our readership breaks down into the following percentages:

Barnes 82%
Mortlake, Putney, Hammersmith & Richmond 10%
Elsewhere in the UK 6%
International 2%

How do I book an ad?

Just send us an email at [email protected] telling us what you want to advertise and when. Once we know whether you want a one-off ad or a series and what size of ad you need to get your message across we will give you a quote.

Our deadline for receiving ad copy is four days before publication. If you want us to design your ad for you please allow at least one week before the publication deadline. You can see our copy deadlines by clicking here.

What does advertising cost?

Ads in the Barnes Village Bugle start at around £110, but the cost will depend on the size of your ad and its position. We charge higher amounts the higher an ad appears up the page. We also offer discounts for series bookings across a number of issues.

Can you design my ad?

We’re happy to design your ad for you. Just send us your logo a picture* and some words. Our design charge starts at £20 but if we need to find a library image for your ad we will need to pass on the charges for its use to you.

*Please ensure you have copyright clearance to use the picture you supply.